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Hard Fitted Device Tab

Carrot Insurance services offer a hard fitted device called The T7. This device requires a professional installation, which you will need to arrange with one of our engineers. If you want to contact them directly to arrange an installation their contact number is 0800 848 84 84.


It is a condition of this policy that You have the Telematics Tracking Device installed in Your Car and that it remains in use at all times. The policy will be cancelled with immediate effect if the Device is not installed within 10 days.

It is Your responsibility to ensure that any other party who has an interest in the ownership of Your Car (such as Your partner or a hire purchase company) has agreed that the Telematics Tracking Device can be installed in Your Car.

Cancellation of appointment for installation or de-installation of the Telematics Tracking Device require a minimum of 24 hours’ notice Upon installation, if Your Car is deemed as unroadworthy, unsafe or has any non-standard modifications which have not been previously declared to Us, we reserved the right to cancel your policy



We will monitor your mileage on an annual basis and if we suspect that your allowance will be exhausted, we will send communication when you are about to exceed and request that you increase mileage. This can also be done via your customer portal


If, during the monitoring of data, we suspect that there has been unauthorized interference with your device or any interference with the GPS/GSM signal emitted, you must allow our installation partner to inspect Your Device within 7 days If you fail to allow us to inspect in line with your terms and conditions your policy will be cancelled.


If throughout your policy the device detects a speeding event, we may contact you to discuss this. Please note for certain driving behaviours/speeding events, your policy can be ‘Cancelled with Immediate Effect’, meaning your policy will be cancelled the same day the event is identified. To ensure your policy does not get cancelled due to speeding, please stick to the legal speed limits.

If we contact you to discuss a speeding event, we will discuss where and when the event occurred and provide tips on how to avoid speeding going forward.


We reserve the right to cancel this policy in accordance with the terms set. In addition, we may cancel Your policy for reasons including, but not limited to:

1. Exceeded your allocated mileage allowance

2.Excessive Speeding

4. Poor Driving Score

5. If We detect that Your Car is consistently parked away from the declared overnight parking address

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